One In A Million: February 2023 – Black History Month Spotlight: Russell Scott


Grade you teach: Grades 9 thru 12th

How long have you been a teacher? 26 years in the Arizona education system, and 16th year as a teacher at CHS!

What made you get into the teaching profession?

A gentleman named Chris Knutsen (Assistant Principal at Chandler at the time) said I should take my (football) coaching philosophy into the classroom, specifically Chandler High School. He believed I could make a difference in special education, so in 2006 I started teaching.

Who was your most inspirational teacher and why?

Dr. Steve Lunt (Southern Utah University)- He taught me “In Loco Parentis” which translates to “in place of the parent.” While still maintaining the ethics of teacher – student , coach – player – relationship, with class and dignity it deserves.

What “fills your cup” when you’re running on empty?

Falling forward on the thoughts, words, actions, habits, and character of my destiny. My faith, my family, my best friends, students and student – athletes (past and present), who keep me grounded and inspired to be the best version of myself. Iron sharpening Iron and Mamba Mentality!

What is your wish for Arizona’s children?

My wish is that Arizona’s children live their life’s blueprint. Not in the insignificant thoughts, words, and opinions of other people, but in the significance of their true self-worth, and that of their supporting cast. To hold their visions, trust the process, and be relentless.

What does being selected as a Million Dollar Teacher Project Black History Month spotlight teacher mean to you?

Humbling down to my bone marrow! The shadows I stand under are pillars of present and historic women and men of dignity and greatness. Most of them go unrecognized. We don’t know all of their names. Yet they ALL fought or are fighting for the cause of freedom and equality,

justice and righteousness. I am forever indebted. But it really means I am called today…to do more work.

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Suggested donation amount range: $10 – $100

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Green Apple

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